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How to cancel your subscription?

Learn how to change your paid subscription to the Free plan and what happens afterward.

Updated over 2 months ago

Relevant for: Pro plan, Business plan, during the free trial period

Who can do it: Administrators

To cancel your subscription and change it to the Free plan:

1. Reach Workspace Settings by clicking on your avatar at the bottom left corner of the dashboard and then click Update plan button below the subscription summary.

1. Reach Account Settings by clicking on your avatar at the bottom left corner of the dashboard and then click Update plan button below the subscription summary. ​

2. Familiarize yourself with the features available on the Free plan. Click Back to Free to cancel your paid subscription and switch to the Free plan.

2. Familiarize yourself with the features available on the Free plan. Click Back to Free to cancel your paid subscription and switch to the Free plan.​
  • If your workspace contains more than 25 videos, only the last 25 will be available for editing; the remaining videos will be in view-only mode.

  • If some of your videos are embedded, they will still be available for your audience to view.

3. Once you click Back to Free, a notification will appear to confirm the successful processing of your order.

3. Once you click Back to Free, a notification will appear to confirm the successful processing of your order.

4. Now the subscription is cancelled and plan is set to be changed to Free at the end of the current billing cycle.

4. Now the subscription is cancelled and plan is set to be changed to Free at the end of the current billing cycle. ​

What happens after I cancel my subscription?

After your billing period concludes, your plan automatically transitions to the Free plan. Don't worry, your videos stay right where they are, and you can keep using Guidde within the functionalities offered in the Free plan.

Despite downgrading to the Free plan, you can still export your guides, yet they will include a watermark.

Please be aware that we don't provide refunds for unused time. However, you'll retain access to all paid features until the end of the current billing period.

How to reactivate my subscription?

Should you have a change of heart, you can easily reactivate your subscription by navigating to your 'Workspace Settings' and clicking on 'Update Plan' to pick a subscription plan and get things rolling again.

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