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FAQ - Analytics

In this article, we will cover the most common questions regarding our video analytics.

Updated over a week ago

How to understand your video's views and analytics

  • Views are counted when someone watches the video for at least 5 seconds or reads the document format from step 2 onwards

  • We don't count views if you are the original creator and watch your own video, or anyone who watches the video while editing.

Why do I see anonymous views on my video?

In order to identify and track who watched your video, there are 3 levels of users:

  • Logged in user - a viewer who is logged in with a Guidde account or in a video portal when watching the video.

  • Tracked user - a viewer who is tracked when watching a public video (using our track link feature).

  • Anonymous user - a viewer who hasn't yet signed up nor tracked when watching a public video or an embedded Guidde.

What will I see in my video / playlist analytics?

  1. The type of activity that was performed on the video such as Publish or View.

  2. The time the activity was performed.

  3. The user who performed the activity.

  4. The spaces the video is shared with.

  5. The URL that was played.

  6. The video view percentage by that user.

To see how the information looks on your end- click on a specific video or playlist -> and then click on the View Analytics button on the top:

In the example below you can see the different types of users who viewed this video:

  1. A logged in user who is part of the same Guidde org.

  2. An Anonymous user.

  3. A tracked user who is displayed in the list as Anonymous+an identifier under it.

  4. A logged in user who is in a different org and is a viewer through the video portal

View Analytics

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