Available when:
Editing the video (specifically the voice over)
Editing the document
Editing Your Video's Voiceover using AI Assistant
To use the AI Assistant when editing your Voice over, while in "Edit Mode" navigate to the voice over section in the left side panel.
Select the text you wish to edit
Highlight the text you want to edit with your cursor, then click the AI Assistant icon.
AI Assistant menu
The AI Assistant menu will appear, offering you a range of options to choose from.
Improve Writing
Click on "Improve Writing" to receive suggestions for alternative phrasing.
Not satisfied with the result? Click the "Regenerate" icon to get a new suggestion.
You can also click the "Copy" button to easily copy the suggestion to your clipboard.
Click "Approve" to accept the suggestion and apply it to your text.
Fix Grammar and Spelling
The "Fix Grammar and Spelling" button automatically corrects grammar and spelling errors in your text.
Make Longer
Click the "Make Longer" button to expand your text with additional details or clarification.
Make Shorter
For a more concise version, click the "Make Shorter" button.
Change Tone
Click the "Change Tone" button to choose from three tone options: Professional, Friendly, or Casual, depending on the style you want for your text.
Edit the Document using AI Assistant
The AI Assistant is also available while editing the document that accompanies your video.
Thank you for exploring the Guidde AI Assistant!