Make your knowledge-sharing game strong on GitBook! Easily spice up your content by adding videos and playlists with just a few clicks. No tech hassle, just quick and snazzy sharing to keep your audience hooked. Let's make learning a visual treat together!
1. Pick a video or a playlist and click on a 3-dot menu
Access your Guide dashboard to select a video for embedding into GitBook, and click on the three-dot menu.
2. Opt for "Share"
Click 'Share' in the dropped-down menu.
3. Copy the link
Click the 'Copy link' button.
4. Open a GitBook page.
Hit 'Slash' and type in 'embed'.
5. Click on 'Embed a URL'
6. Paste the URL
Paste the URL copied from Guidde, and then click 'Insert' to confirm the embedding.
Upon completion you'll find a Guidde video seamlessly integrated into your GitBook page.